Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blood Diamonds and Blood Metals

We have all heard the term Blood Diamonds used when we talk about the diamonds that come from Africa. Well now, people are using the term blood metals. The website reports that other ores are coming from Africa and that we are unknowingly supporting them. Coltan-tantalum is a metal used by tech manufacturers. This metal is used to make camera lenses, printers, mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic gadgets.

There are reports that we are getting our coltan-tantalum from the same group that tempts us with blood diamonds. The mines are located in Democratic Republic of Congo and are under the same control of the rebels that are associated with the Rwandan genocide. Miners are forced to work in unbareable conditions and sometimes without any pay. Even young children are forced to work here instead of attending school.

As I sit here on my laptop using my cell phone, I wonder if any of this metal is in my hands. I can't imagine the challenges that these humans are faced with everyday. As we walk around in our $100 sneakers, these children are working barefoot in mines without any safety gear.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Africa Pictures

If any of you are like me, then you love to have photos tell the story for you. The website is a website that has a wide range of different photos from Africa. These are real pictures that photographers took just for this website. We have spent so much time focusing on the history of Africa that it was nice to look at some of the modern day pictures of Africa.

There are different links on the left side of the page. I chose to look through the cultures/people link first. The first link is photos and a short description of the Mhlongo family. The family of five live a life so different from anything that we know. They are a Zulu family and members of The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints. The photos of this family shocked me. Seeing their living quarters made me appreciate my home so much. And work, the father makes $81 a month after he pays for transportation to get there and back.

The Mhlongo Family

On this website you will also find much more. I enjoyed looking at the photos of downtown Durban, South Africa. Looking at photos of the skyline, it looks like something you would see in the U.S. There are also great pictures of different beaches, malls, people, wildlife, and much more. For anyone that has free time to look through some photo albums, this would be great. This website gave me a better understanding of how Africans live.

Downtown Durban, South Africa

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

HIV/AIDS in South Africa

I was wanted to learn more about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa so I started doing some research on the topic. I mean, we all hear how bad it is, but the more that I learn about it, the more it hurts me. There are nearly 1,000 AIDS deaths everyday in South Africa. There are 5.7 million people living with HIV in South Africa; the situation could hardly be overstated. This information is from the website This website contains alarming information about the reality that South Africa is facing. There are so many people dying that some cemetaries are starting to run out of room. A recent survey showed that South Africans spent more time at funerals than getting their hair cut, shopping, or barbecues. The site lists poverty, social instability, and and lack of government action are all possible causes of why South Africa has been affected so badly.

This website contains much more information. It has a history timeline dating back to 1980. It covers how HIV/AIDS has affected the children in South Africa. It also gives information about HIV prevention campaigns and much more.

I found this website extremely interesting. It is the best information that I have found so far for these blogging assignments. The children especially have a place in my heart. To realize how much these children suffer is horrible. I wish the government would help find a solution to help get this epidemic turn around. These people don't deserve to suffer this way. Hopefully someday, we will find a cure for AIDS and this epidemic can be put to rest.

This is a billboard advertising protection agains HIV

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mombasa, Kenya

Mombasa is Kenya's second largest city. It is located on Kenya's eastern coastline bordering the Indian Ocean. Mombasa is a huge tourist destination with some of the best beaches in the world. The website gives some great detail about Mombasa. It covers everything you need to know if you are planning a vacation or just want to know more about the city. This website has recommendations for dining, hotels, attractions, and entertainment.

I wanted to know a little more about this city because of the recent pirate invasions. Although this website has nothing to do with the recent attacks, it is still interesting to learn more about the city where so much is going on. I was also excited to learn more about the beaches there. I love to travel and beaches are my favorite places to visit. Who knows, maybe I will plan a vacation here someday. Kenya has always been an interesting place to me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

African Animals

My husband and I took our boys to Busch Gardens in Orlando for spring break this year. We were amazed by what we saw. It was truly an African Safari. We encounter so many animals that we had never seen before. We were able to see rhinoceros, impalas, hyenas, hippos, and more. I wanted to do a little more research and found a website that I enjoyed. This website gives the opportunity to take a closer look at the animals that live in the African Safari. I wanted to take a closer look at the rhinoceros since I know very little about the animal.

Pictured above is the black rhinoceros. There are five different species of the rhino and they are actually part of the horse family. They have thick skin and a horn in the middle of the head (the black rhino has two horns). They are herbivores, live in grasslands or woodlands, and can become agressive if they feel threatened or provoked. Humans are a predator because they have hunted the rhino for its horns. However, trading rhinoceros horn is illegal all over the world because they are endangered. There are only 2,500 rhinos left, when 100 years ago there were almost a million of them in Africa.

Monday, March 30, 2009

African Music

I decided to take some time to look at the website devoted to African music. This website covers modern day music and gives history to traditional African music. Here you will be able to learn more about popular artists and hear some of their music. You will be able to read reviews, get tour information, and they even have some recipes for some African cuisine.

The link that I focused on the most was the link titled "Explore." This dropdown link gives you the option to explore by artist, region, country, or style. I tended to focus mainly on the "country" link. This link will give you information on each country's history (politically and musically). After reading the history on a few of the countries, I was shocked to learn how much South American has influenced African music. I was also shocked to learn that in many countries, Zimbabwe for example, that traditional music is beginning to be overlooked. Radio is controlled by government here and other popular music is taking the place of their traditional sounds.

Traditional African Clothing

I found this website that gives detail to the different clothing that different African tribes wear. Many African tribes favor bright clothing with bold designs. The website gives detail to different tribes and for this I focused on the traditional Swazi clothing.

Although this photo is not the best, it still gives some idea of what traditional Swazi attire looks like. The outfit on the person on the left is that of a young warrior. He wears traditional skins over his knees, as well as a spear, shield with tassels, fighting stick, and neck, arm, and leg bands. The center photo is that of a married woman. Married women wear their hair up, while unmarried women wear their hair loose without covering it. The married women also wear long skirts. On the right is the costume of a Swazi girl dressed for an initiation dance celebration. She wears traditional head gear, jewelry, loin cloth, and tassels.

I find the clothing of traditional tribes to be so interesting. Their clothing really expresses who they are. Everything they wear has meaning. They don't just role out of bed and throw sweat pants on.

Here is the link to this site: