Tuesday, April 21, 2009

HIV/AIDS in South Africa

I was wanted to learn more about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa so I started doing some research on the topic. I mean, we all hear how bad it is, but the more that I learn about it, the more it hurts me. There are nearly 1,000 AIDS deaths everyday in South Africa. There are 5.7 million people living with HIV in South Africa; the situation could hardly be overstated. This information is from the website http://www.avert.org. This website contains alarming information about the reality that South Africa is facing. There are so many people dying that some cemetaries are starting to run out of room. A recent survey showed that South Africans spent more time at funerals than getting their hair cut, shopping, or barbecues. The site lists poverty, social instability, and and lack of government action are all possible causes of why South Africa has been affected so badly.

This website contains much more information. It has a history timeline dating back to 1980. It covers how HIV/AIDS has affected the children in South Africa. It also gives information about HIV prevention campaigns and much more.

I found this website extremely interesting. It is the best information that I have found so far for these blogging assignments. The children especially have a place in my heart. To realize how much these children suffer is horrible. I wish the government would help find a solution to help get this epidemic turn around. These people don't deserve to suffer this way. Hopefully someday, we will find a cure for AIDS and this epidemic can be put to rest.

This is a billboard advertising protection agains HIV

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