Monday, March 30, 2009

Traditional African Clothing

I found this website that gives detail to the different clothing that different African tribes wear. Many African tribes favor bright clothing with bold designs. The website gives detail to different tribes and for this I focused on the traditional Swazi clothing.

Although this photo is not the best, it still gives some idea of what traditional Swazi attire looks like. The outfit on the person on the left is that of a young warrior. He wears traditional skins over his knees, as well as a spear, shield with tassels, fighting stick, and neck, arm, and leg bands. The center photo is that of a married woman. Married women wear their hair up, while unmarried women wear their hair loose without covering it. The married women also wear long skirts. On the right is the costume of a Swazi girl dressed for an initiation dance celebration. She wears traditional head gear, jewelry, loin cloth, and tassels.

I find the clothing of traditional tribes to be so interesting. Their clothing really expresses who they are. Everything they wear has meaning. They don't just role out of bed and throw sweat pants on.

Here is the link to this site:

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