Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blood Diamonds and Blood Metals

We have all heard the term Blood Diamonds used when we talk about the diamonds that come from Africa. Well now, people are using the term blood metals. The website reports that other ores are coming from Africa and that we are unknowingly supporting them. Coltan-tantalum is a metal used by tech manufacturers. This metal is used to make camera lenses, printers, mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic gadgets.

There are reports that we are getting our coltan-tantalum from the same group that tempts us with blood diamonds. The mines are located in Democratic Republic of Congo and are under the same control of the rebels that are associated with the Rwandan genocide. Miners are forced to work in unbareable conditions and sometimes without any pay. Even young children are forced to work here instead of attending school.

As I sit here on my laptop using my cell phone, I wonder if any of this metal is in my hands. I can't imagine the challenges that these humans are faced with everyday. As we walk around in our $100 sneakers, these children are working barefoot in mines without any safety gear.